- Facetime that friend you keep telling yourself you’ll call and never do
- Call your grandparents (or skype, if they know how to do that, which mine don’t) and remind them of how much you love them
- Learn a new world cuisine. No, I don’t mean microwave subpar pizza; try cooking from scratch
- Search for some new tunes to listen to
- Find some new songs all your family loves. These will be remembered as your quarantine songs.
- Try an online workout
- Watch an online workout while eating crisps in bed
- Binge-watch a new series
- Become savvy in a new subject; watch some documentaries, read some books
- READ a new book
- Share the best books you’ve read with your online friends to help them enjoy the quarantine
- Write your dissertations and summatives
- Cry over your dissertation and summatives
- Have a coffee and procrastinate while thinking of your dissertation and summatives
- Learn to play the ukulele
- Play the Sims and try to hold back from drowning them in the pool
- Learn a new skill that will never become useful, i.e. Yo-yo, headstand etc.
- Write about something that inspires you
- Learn how to recycle properly and implement it at home
- Check-up on a friend that you know may be struggling with mental health
- Write a letter and send it to someone the old-school way
- Do some morning yoga
- Don’t wear a bra for two whole weeks
- If you are in the UK, take advantage of your outdoor time
- Walk your dog
- Judge runners and dog-walkers from the widow
- Practice some self-love
- Take a bath and do a face-mask
- Catch up on all the sleep you lost during term
- Bake a cake and (if possible) share some with the neighbours
- Talking of which, get better acquainted with your neighbours, if you live in a flat like me, just speak to whoever is in their balcony
- Message people you know are working to thank them for their effort
- Enjoy the time with your family, who you normally tend to ignore
- Play with your younger siblings
- Give an online-lesson
- If you can sing, sing for your neighbours (if not, please shut up)
- If you smoke, try to give up while you are at home
- Prepare a romantic dinner date for your parents
- Send your significant other some flowers, or some old photos
- Alternatively, send them a love poem
- Learn how to make proper coffees
- Learn how to mix cocktails
- Wake up earlier and prepare a nice breakfast for your family
- Look through old photo albums
- Start an online book club
- Take an embarrassing dissertation hand-in picture
- Make an effort to dress nicely for special days
- Be nice to people, even more than usual, you never know what people are going through
- Continue to make memes