City vs Campus: how about something in between?

Durham city summer

One of the key questions you might ask yourself when applying to university is whether the university is based in the city centre or self-contained within its own campus. Some people may have a preference for one or the other, but if you don’t, then Durham is the perfect choice for you. Durham is a unique blend of the two styles, with university buildings within the city as well as campus-based facilities.

A major benefit of this style of university is that you get the community feel of a campus-based university while also being able to access shops easily. What this also means is that you will typically have a shorter travel time to classes, which can take some stress out of your day. Durham has some great transport links, such as buses and the train station, which helps if you’re planning trips home.

As students live fairly close to each other, it might be easier to make friends at a campus-based university. At Durham, there is also the option to live further out, but this does not mean you are excluded from events. This is especially true because of the collegiate system, which means you are automatically assigned to a mixed community with students from all subjects. Even if you have moved out of college, you will always be welcome as you can get involved in student-led activities as well as attend events such as formals and balls. This makes for an easier transition into university life, especially as you are likely to bump into your friends in the city or on campus!

Bill Bryson Library – other university buildings are located here giving it a campus feel

Another great thing about Durham is that you can get discounted services for student prices, such as university cafes and the gym. At the same time, you can also use these facilities off campus if you’d prefer.

Choosing the type of university you attend is personal to you and your priorities. If you would prefer to be closer to classes and other students, then a campus-based university might be the better option. If you’re happy to commute to classes and want to experience city life, then a city university might be more appealing to you. Luckily, at Durham, you get the best of both worlds and can make use of the unique style of university that you can’t get everywhere.

A great way to find out if you’d like the style at Durham is to attend one of our open days and get a feel for the city and campus. You can also get the chance to attend a tour with our Student Ambassadors to understand the location better and make a decision when applying.

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Kimberly Chitifa

Hi! My name’s Kimberly and I am a Graduate Student Ambassador in Recruitment and Admissions. I studied Law, and was at Trevelyan College. My hobbies include trampolining, singing and playing guitar.

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