I graduated from Durham in 2019 having studied Philosophy and Politics.I also ran a political discussion group where we focused on the intersection between faith and politics. I now live in London and work in the renewable energy sector but I have also launched Dialogically.

Our vision and values

Our vision is for Dialogically to be a place for respectful and thoughtful dialogue, particularly when discussing sensitive and contentious issues.

We believe that freedom of speech is essential for new ideas to develop and flourish. Yet, for freedom to be meaningful, we recognise that restrictions are necessary. Not restrictions on ideas themselves, but on how we communicate with each other.

We want to challenge the “echo chambers” that frequently exist on many social media sites by removing the barriers that stop people of conflicting viewpoints from engaging in conversation. We never try to predict what you “should” see but instead simply highlight Articles that other people have found “interesting”.

We also welcome people to write under a pseudonym if they wish. This is not intended to encourage users to “hide behind a screen” when sharing their opinions, but instead to allow people to freely share their thoughts without fear of being targeted or “cancelled” on other platforms.

Mainstream social media is full of soundbites, simplifications, and “hot takes”. It boils down complex topics into a handful of characters and, sadly, too often falls into aggressive language or even abuse. Blog platforms, on the other hand, provide more long-form and in-depth writing, but tend to be solo efforts; a stream of consciousness from one person and usually one perspective.

Dialogically challenges both formats. It is a brand-new platform, designed by Durham Alumni, with a vision to create a safe space for meaningful conversations around tricky or complex topics.

It aims to provide a platform for thoughtful, in-depth conversation about any topic. It is a place to discover new ideas and interrogate old ones. Registered users can freely write stand-alone Articles about any topic: politics, religion, film, philosophy, sport – anything!

Users can also contribute with Response Articles (an Article that directly links to somebody else’s), as well as the more familiar Comments and Replies. We actively encourage our community to self-regulate content through a transparent reporting system. This ensures no overtly abusive language or factually false information remains on the site.

Dialogically is completely free to use and always will be

In fact, you can even read any Article on the site without even registering an account. We believe Dialogically is a fantastic opportunity to get your writing seen and your voice heard. The most interesting Articles will be displayed on the Dialogically home page and also have the chance of being promoted on the site’s social media accounts.

We are committed to never include targeted Ads on the site or engage in intrusive data collection.

Take a look here at dialogically.com We welcome you to join our new community.

Babak Sharples

Hi, my name is Bobby, and I graduated from Durham in 2019 having studied Philosophy and Politics. I attended St Aidan’s College and enjoyed playing football and pool during my time at university. I also ran a political discussion group where we focused on the intersection between faith and politics. I now live in London and have primarily worked in the renewable energy sector since graduating, alongside launching Dialogically.

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