If you have been allocated Collingwood College, I am so excited for you! Make sure you check your room for messages from prior years, you might even see mine. If you are not lucky enough to be in my old room, I wrote a message to the next person on the last day of the first year, thinking back to how much fun I had and how much I learned. I am sure you will feel the same.

Why is Collingwood so popular?

So, as a second year now I can say that every college has its pros and cons. Last year I loved college so much that I would say ‘Collingwood is the best!’ to anyone that would listen, but now I know the University more and have friends in other colleges I just think college life is what you make of it. Collingwood College is the college that most people put down as their preferred college and I can definitely tell why. Not to brag but the facilities are incredible! From a hockey/football/baseball/lacrosse ‘crumb’ to a state-of-the-art new music building, I felt like anything I wanted to get involved in was possible. I hope you feel super excited to be allocated Collingwood because many people wish that was them.

The theatre space at Collingwood

What I wish I’d known

Some of the reasons I chose Collingwood were the formals and catered meals. Collingwood is a non-gowned college so you won’t be wearing a formal gown but fancy dress! Make sure you bring any fancy dress costumes you may own because you will need them for freshers’ week. Catered meals are three times a day and are super yummy. If finding people to go to meals with is something that worries you, it’s ok because, on your first night, your frep (fresher helper) will bring your flat together to dinner. This means you can quickly get to know your flat, which I loved, so don’t worry so much about that.

Try everything!

The best thing about Collingwood is how much you can get involved in so try and find out when trials for clubs are. This way you can have a go at everything you like the sound of, you can always drop out if it gets too much. I only did sports that I had played at school but wish that I’d tried other things while I had time as a fresher. However, one of my favourite things that I did at Collingwood in 1st year was dancing in the Collingwood musical ‘9-5’. I’d never thought that I would do something like this but just gave it a go and it was great!

Collingwood vs other colleges

The Stag’s Head (Collingwood bar) was the highlight of my 1st year and is one of the best college bars, in my opinion. Then the JCR (Junior Common Room) is still one of the best social places I’ve found in Durham, with our Wood N Spoon toastie bar as well as pool and table tennis tables. To get into town it’s only about a 35-minute walk or 10-minute bus, the walk is nice to do on the weekends and a safe, busy walk back in the evenings. Collingwood is not the closest but very close to the science site so you will probably have a really quick walk to lectures compared to some of the colleges in the Bailey that are slightly further.

My tip for getting to a 9am – you can get to the Teaching & Learning Centre (TLC) 5-8 minutes after waking up with a takeaway croissant ready for 9am lectures, no worries 🙂

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Lily Hamlet

I’m Lily, a second year Geology student at Collingwood College. I love being on a course with a small cohort - it means I know nearly everyone and we are all really close. Outside of class, I am Collingwood tennis captain and I also get involved in netball, art and drama at college. Durham is such a lovely place to live and I am so lucky to call it my home.

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