Northern Lights charity Christmas single

Myself and co-president of A Cappella Society ‘Northern Lights’ Sam Jones, were really keen to do more Outreach work this year. We felt it was so important to get back into the community and spread some A Cappella fun and cheer, after the pandemic left everyone feeling so isolated. Sam and I both spent our Freshers year at Durham mainly cooped inside our college rooms due to the pandemic, and Northern Lights became a massive saviour to us because it opened a doorway to meeting new people, and sharing our love of music.

A Cappella is an incredible genre, it is so enjoyable to sing, and we wanted to try and share this enjoyment, alongside our love with music, across the University and wider Durham community. When choosing a charity to support with a Christmas single, we picked Age UK County Durham. We wanted to prioritise bringing more cheer to a demographic that we know has particularly suffered as a result of Covid. We really want our single to be a celebration of how everyone is managing to combat the pandemic, and to rally people to support those who are in need of a brighter Christmas this year. We have worked so hard to make our new single fun, upbeat and we hope that it brings a smile to all that watch it.

Our charity single ‘Underneath the Tree’, is a cover of a Kelly Clarkson Christmas hit, See it on Youtube

Northern Lights

Northern Lights is Durham University’s top A Cappella group, entering its 9th year of existence. We are mixed group of talented, diverse and passionate performers who seek to entertain all kinds of audiences solely through their voices and unique arrangements. Everything we perform is arranged by someone in the ensemble, usually by the Musical Directors – but anyone in the group is welcome to arrange their own pieces. The group performs a range of genres and styles and often collaborate with other university A Cappella choirs across the country.

As well as performing at balls, external hire gigs and Durham events across the year, Northern Lights also enter the ‘International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella’ competition every year. We are regarded as a highly rated competitive group, placing second nationally in the 2020 ICCA UK Final, performing in a 1000-seat theatre in London. 

Additionally, we perform our own show every year, at the 500-seat Gala Theatre in Durham. This is always a highly anticipated performance in our busy calendar, which also includes an annual trip to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, which we have been attending since 2015. Last summer, Northern Lights managed a hugely successful run at the Fringe, selling out over half our performances.

Age UK County Durham

No-one should feel alone at Christmas. We at Northern Lights feel very strongly about the continuing impact that the pandemic has had on the world, but more closely within the Durham community itself. Experiencing significant loss, in all respects, has led to vulnerability and isolation, particularly within the older residents across Durham. That is why we have chosen to raise funds for Age UK County Durham, an independent local charity that has been working in the local community to help older people for  over 40 years. The charity has 22 dedicated staff and over 100 volunteers helping to deliver services and activities for older people across County Durham.

Age UK County Durham is making significant stands to improve the wellbeing and happiness of so many residents across the county. Their services include: help at home, counselling and the ‘Never alone Always Heard’ project involving letters and/or phone calls to extend friendly relationships between their volunteers and the residents.

Northern Lights are so proud to be raising money and awareness for such a terrific charity, that has honestly been so essential to so many people these past 2 years. By donating to Age UK County Durham, you’re ensuring that someone has a brighter Christmas. We really hope you enjoy the Single and we would love to encourage you to donate what you can.
From everyone at Northern Lights we wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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Flo Lunnon

I'm Flo Lunnon and I am a second year Liberal Arts student from University College. I'm Co-President of Northern Lights and Outreach Officer for Durham Student Theatre.

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