What’s it like studying Sport?

I initially applied to Durham after being part of the Supported Progression scheme (read Liv’s blog about Supported Progression). This was a one-week experience where I saw what it was like to study Sport at Durham, as well as meet other potential students and even some of the lecturers that teach me now! The Sports Department is ranked highly in multiple UK university league tables, and I can see why after my first year of the course.

What do I study?

The Sport course at Durham covers quite a large range of topics such as Sport Psychology, Sport and Exercise Industries and Physical Activity, Diet and Health. For me personally, my favourite module would be Exercise Physiology – the study of how exercise can affect the human body. When a lecturer can tell that you’ve got a passion or interest for a certain subject, they respond positively to any questions you have, and the topic content becomes much easier to understand.

In the first year, the course content gives you a taste of the different aspects of Sport, which helps you decide what pathway you would like to choose in your following years at Durham (or even after if you want to plan that far ahead!). Some modules also teach you various skills that can be transferred to other modules, such as being able to produce work in an academic writing style.

Many of the lecturers were more than happy to teach you their own tips and tricks when it comes to exam season, and I found they were really supportive during those periods. Especially in the year of a global pandemic, staff did their best to make learning as smooth as possible, and I found going into my exams, they had prepared me well for the types of questions and essays I had to do. Some things were out of their control though like not being able to take part in live practicals, but they will be available for students again soon.

Elvet Riverside where most of my lectures take place (when not on Zoom!)

Facilities and opportunities at Durham

Now, of course, every Sport student wants to make sure that there are plenty of opportunities to get involved with their favourite sports during free time. What’s so unique about Durham is the collegiate system, this offers you the chance to get involved with sports at all sorts of levels. This means you can join a team to just have a kick about with your mates or you can join the higher-level teams and compete against other super competitive people from both Durham and other universities.

Me (2nd on the left) and Team Durham celebrating winning 5 medals at Yorkshire and North East (YNE) Powerlifting in August

One of the standout highlights is the quality of the training facilities at the new Sports and Wellbeing Park at Maiden Castle Fitness Centre. Without a doubt, it is one of the best gyms I have been to and on top of that, the membership price is extremely reasonable for Durham students!

I joined Durham University Lifting Club during fresher’s week, getting involved with the university’s powerlifting team. The community is amazing, full of those who are both passionate about the sport and willing to help one another improve. Recently, a group of us travelled down to York to compete in a competition together. The experience was definitely memorable, with 5 of us bringing back medals to Durham.

Discover more

About studying Sport at Durham here.

Download our latest prospectus and college guide here.

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Alex Tan

Hey, my name is Alex, I’m a Sport and Exercise Science student here at Durham University. I want to specialise in Exercise Physiology because I love applying science to my own personal training. I am on the university powerlifting team and also the current Social Sec.

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