Valentina Short, Stephenson College, 2019

John Claydon, St John’s College, 2014

Academic achievement came later in life for me. When I left school at 16, I went to work in industry as an electrician. However, having achieved a degree in my 20’s, I later graduated twice from Durham – in 1999 with an M.A. T.R. (M.A. in Theological Research) and in 2014 with DThMin (Doctor of Theology and Ministry). My M.A. graduation in 1999 was on 11th December, an anniversary date of the death of my father in 1996 so there was a shadow on the day, but it was great to share the occasion with that of Mo Mowlam (former Labour M.P. and Northern Ireland Secretary) receiving an honorary doctorate. When I graduated in 2014, I was almost moved to tears just by putting on the doctoral gown! What a privilege to have been able to graduate twice from Durham University!
John Wallace, St John’s College, 2022

As one of the oldest students graduating – DThM age 77 – it was a brilliant day and the Chancellor stressed life-long learning and looked directly at me. The organisation was fantastic and stress-free.
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Celebrating Summer Congregation 2022 – YouTube
Celebrating Winter Congregation 2022 – Undergraduate ceremonies – YouTube