BTS on open day, with an ambassador

Many of us know the feeling of attending an open day as a prospective student. The excitement and jitters on the drive to the open day, the experience of tagging along behind your incredibly eager and excited parents as they ask a million questions, and the feeling of confusion as you navigate the city using google maps whilst still ending up in random places. But how many of you have had the experience of being on the other side, as an open day representative.

Technically speaking, they’re called Open Day ambassadors and you actually get paid to do it.

So, what do open day ambassadors do?

Basically, as simple as it sounds, we help during open day. Specifically, with setting up and clearing up, talking to and helping visitors, delivering talks and even providing college tours. Once you’re recruited as an open day ambassador and you complete all the required training, you’re assigned a specific role on open day and sometimes even two roles depending on the day.

Open day ambassador roles

The days leading up to open day, all of us received our specific roles. I was a sign poster at lower Mountjoy, and I basically help visitors navigate Durham and answer any questions they may have about Durham; But there are other roles like Academic session ambassadors, Travel ambassadors or dressing up as Duz the Dog (the Durham university mascot)

What happens on the day?

Our day starts at 7:30am, with helping set up everything for open day. I spent my time helping staff and other ambassadors setting up chairs and bringing out the welcome signs and banners before visitors start showing up at 8. As Open day ambassadors, we’re also given two free hot drink vouchers and free lunch at the Palatine centre which you will receive when you sign in for your shift in the morning. And to my utter excitement, we are also given free stash, and we all love free stash! The rest of the day consisted of welcoming visitors, answering millions of questions from eager parents and excited prospective students and also directing visitors around Durham (and sometimes sending them up Cardiac Hill 😉)

My advice to you

My advice to incoming and current students who are potentially interested in becoming open day ambassadors, do it! It’s a great way to build work experience and gain transferable skills and if you’re looking for extra cash on the side, it’s the perfect job since it doesn’t interfere with your studies. You’ll also get the chance to meet other students and make more friends, which is an added bonus!  And most importantly, wear comfortable shoes and bring a jacket if you’re doing open day in September (you’ll thank me later).

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Ghala Timraz

Hi! I’m Ghala, I’m part of St Cuthbert’s Society and I study Archaeology here at Durham. You’ll find me 90% of the time either experimenting in the kitchen or hunched over reading a book 🙂

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