Worried about starting university? Read this!

Hi everyone, my name is Emilia and I’m a first-year student at Durham, studying History and Spanish! 

I’ve just reached the halfway point of my first term here at Durham, and last night I was looking back on how far I’ve come from the timid fresher who moved into her accommodation on the first day. Before I came to Durham, I was quite anxious about the jump to university and found the concept of living away from home and generally being more independent really daunting. 

You’re not alone

Firstly, I think it’s important to say that it is completely normal to worry about the move to university and it’s a lot more common than you think! Everyone is in the same situation, and if you think you’re alone in feeling like this (like I did before I arrived), I promise that you’re not. 

Thankfully, I’m really pleased to say that the past few months have been some of the most enjoyable, entertaining and liberating of my life, and I would say that Durham is unique in ensuring that the transition to university is as smooth, stress-free and most importantly, as fun as possible. This blog will briefly outline how the university supports you in this hugely important (but also scary!) next step in your journey. 

College support

Durham is well known for its college system, and for me, this is definitely one of the aspects of the university that sets it apart. Your college is where your accommodation is, but it’s not only somewhere to live – it’s a community, with its own societies, sports, bars, and events. 

Your college is also your first point of call for any concerns or worries you may have, and at Grey College, from the very first day they emphasised how much support is available at the university, and how easy it is to access it if you feel that some extra support would benefit you in the transition to university. When I arrived, it was clear to me just how much the university cares about your well-being and how much is in place to help you if you need it. This instantly allowed me to feel more at ease. 

College activities

Your college also runs a Welcome Week/Freshers Week, in which you can take part in activities such as club nights, inflatables, escape rooms, arts and crafts and even petting zoos! Each corridor was assigned two Freps (Freshers Reps) who are older students who look after you during the week and help you settle in. 

Honestly, Freshers Week was some of the most fun I’ve ever had, and it was action-packed. This was perfect as it meant that by going to the events that interested me, I met so many like-minded, welcoming people who have become some of my closest friends today—and it also meant that I barely had time to think about any of my previous worries! 

So overall, my first week is a testament to how fantastic Durham is at supporting you through the transition to university, which should hopefully alleviate some of your worries! 

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Emilia Pantelides

Hi, my name is Emilia Pantelides, I’m from London and I’m a first year student at Grey College. I am studying History and Spanish. Since being at Durham, I’ve become involved in various societies such as Grey Women’s Football, the Palatinate Orchestra, History Society, Grey Women’s Darts and Crochet Society. 

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